Well, my weekend involved church, work, a movie date with friends, and an irksome school situation. Basically, our pharmacology professor emailed the class offering to push back our test by a week so we wouldn’t have two tests on the same day. The only catch is that we would all have to agree to this. Of course, one woman ruined it for everybody by saying she wants to take it as scheduled. I promise you I speak with 100% certainty when I say that my entire nursing class now hates this particular student.
Here we are, ready to watch a movie. |
On Monday I spent the day attempting to study but my cats kept interrupting me with cuteness. I also talked to my dad and learned that because he was going to get drafted to Vietnam he signed up for the army and did aircraft maintenance/repair (helicopters were his specialty). He also learned to repair trucks and jeeps, and he’s trained to fire machine guns and whatnot from the air since the aircraft repair guys also doubled as shooters. He has never talked about this before so I had no idea. It was kind of weird to learn.
Me and my kitty Esh! |
On Tuesday I took both tests - maternity and pharmacology. Then I had a work meeting and creole class. I was DONE by the end of all that so on Wednesday after my lab class I decided I needed to do something fun so I went to Salem with Joy and Mini T. Shenanigans ensued:
Me and mini T in front of the random gay doors. |
Me, Mini T, and Joy waiting for our pizza. |
Me and Mini T - we found fake eyebrows and a fake beard. |
Mini T in the fake eyebrows and beard. |
Joy drinks a beard in the fake eyebrows and beard. |
On Thursday I had my maternity clinical, which was fairly uneventful this time. On Friday I studied, hung out with my cats, and visited Aquafabulous for dinner and gardening. Today I have work.
Now that things are in process I can finally mention it on here: my favorite patient recently became legally free for adoption and I have contacted his social worker to inquire about adopting him.
The big hurdles here are that:
1) This is not exactly an ideal time for me to adopt since I'm in school full time.
2) I'll need to move since he is a wheelchair user and there's no way to make my apartment accessible.
Ideally I would want to finish school, get a nursing job, buy an accessible house, and THEN adopt him. This may actually be feasible, since it's extremely unlikely that anyone else will apply to adopt him while I'm getting my act together. Most potential adoptive parents are looking for babies and young children, not disabled teens of color.
So in the meantime while I'm finishing school etc. his social worker suggested that I could become his visiting resource. Visiting resources undergo the same DCF background checks as foster and adoptive parents, and once they've been approved they can spend unsupervised time with the child and take them on outings to the playground or restaurants or museums or whatever. So now we've filled out the paperwork for that and are just waiting for the official approval to go through. Once it does, she'll let his family know that I'm becoming a visiting resource for him. They already know me because I've been at work when they've come to visit him so hopefully they'll be fine with it. Fingers crossed!
Anyway, since I'm likely to be blogging about him now I'm giving him a pseudonym: Love Bug.